a day in the life of Jack

By jacksmom726

Jumpin' Jack Flash!

Yesterday, the delivery man showed up with Jacks birthday present from Daddy and I. We were hoping to wait to give it to him in a week and a half, but the box showed what it was on the outside, and Jack ran out when the truck pulled up into the driveway.

He was jumping up and down, yelling "Mom!! I got another bouncer!!!" When Jack was 2, we all chipped in and bought Jack a Sesame Street Bouncer and he got just about 3 good years out of it. But when we pulled it out last week, we realized that mice had made holes all over it. Mark spent a good hour trying to patch it up with duct tape, but it was no use. Jack was devastated.

So, I hopped on the computer and ordered this Little Tikes bouncer. I know it will be something he will use, and the kids at his party will be able to enjoy it as well!!

He LOVES it!!!

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