Going Bananas!
When I unpacked the shopping this afternoon there was a strange insect lurking in the bananas. I've heard stories about tarantulas being imported so I was wary about a foriegn beastie. Me, who'd boasted recently on blip about holding a tarantula!
Anyhow, I DIDN'T want it in the house and I DID want a blip so bananas and insect got taken outside. I really wanted to use the bellows and vintage lens for the macro but, unlike yesterday's flower, the wretched fly kept scuttling away into the shade underneath the bananas so by the time I'd turned the bananas over, gone back to the camera and focused it was gone. A shade-loving black and orange fly!
I got a bit tired of this, there was an obliging hoverfly just longing to get in the picture. Time and time again it landed on the bananas. So it got blipped. Never taken a shot of one before, so why not?
I think it may be Metasyrphus corollae, but I'd welcome an opinion. I found it amazing to discover tonight that in its 10 days as a larva it consumed 800 aphids. Yippee! I have a newly purchased rose nearby. Just stay and have your photo taken then get laying some more of those 1,000 eggs you lay in your lifetime, if your a lady hoverfly that is!
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