A storm-a-brewing....

It's a back blip. However if you're here you're probably feeling a bit cheated aren't you. I put a new blip up, you excitedly (I'm sure) open it up expecting some amusing words and over egged stories of hardship. Instead you get a link to this. However I get more views, and we all know what views mean.....

ummm..... prizes? Yeah maybe.

Anyway I suppose this absence from posting should maybe entice me to write a lot tonight. However I insist that it isn't going to happen: The Apprentice is on in (dammit, just checked. No minutes) a bit.

Let me touch on the events of the last few weeks in short bursts, and open it up to the floor. If you want me to expand on any of the issues then I will do, to a limit of probably three. Yeah, three.

Had my laptop removed from my possession, spent a week watching films, wrote 14 chapters of my forthcoming book, lost every file from the last ten years, got caught in torrential rain, received a massive helping hand from a recently made close friend, received an addition to my photography equipment, need a new job, still employed now and met a really old friend (one I knew years ago, not someone who is like a hundred) for some catching up.

That was the week that was. Oh yeah the picture. There's Zanna and Kirky on a walk with what appears to be a demon brewing up in the skies. Ten minutes later and I resembled someone entering a really bad wet t shirt competition.

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