Hemlock .....

.... Giant carrot??Whatever it is the bees and bloodsuckers love it! And look at the sky :) Gorgeous weather but I've had a frustrating day and am feeling spiky and grumpy!! I've been waiting in all day for a courier to bring the proofs of the next lot of cards. The internet connection is incredibly slow at the moment and the phone's not working properly and mobile access is also dodgy. Still nothing has arrived and rather mysteriously I've been told that a 'delivery was attempted earlier'!!! What does that mean?? How? When? Where? If they can't find someone, couriers tend to have the bad habit of leaving a parcel in the nearest village - but not telling you, only to have it casually remarked weeks later that a parcel was left for you! To make matters more complicated we're off to England tomorrow,.

Yes, we are heading across the water for some family 'dos'! We fly to Manchester tomorrow evening and on Friday are off to Stoke uni where my brother is being awarded an honorary doctorate. Then on Monday we head down to Berkshire to a family gathering at my cousin's house on the Thames in Cookham. The sons are also coming and it will be the first time we have all met up for about 14 years! If we manage to negotiate the various motorways and find each other it will be a miracle! Home next Wednesday so backblipping will be in order. See you all then :)

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