Arctic Soul

By ArcticSoul

Self pity

I never saw a wild thing
sorry for itself.
A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough
without ever having felt sorry for itself.

D.H. Lawrence

I want to fly.

A short trip to Botneheia, in Sassenfjord was the order of today. I promised myself last year that I would never climb that hill again, as everyday for two weeks is more than laborious.

Needless to say, yet again the damn thing won me over, not only were we greeted with murky, stormy skies over Templet and Tunabreen. Our arrival at the summit was hosted by a small colony of Puffins who had nested in the steep dolerite cliffs.

And what beautiful birds they are! Here one patrols our arrival in the gloom, as it's nest is just below the edge of the cliff

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