
By Jostijn


Or Groene gaasvlieg in Dutch.

These critters are not so harmful when
they are like this, but when they are
larvae they kill anything that moves.

Lacewing larvae are similar in appearance
to an alligator with pincers like tiny ice tongs,
and vigorously attacks its prey, injecting a
paralyzing venom then drawing out the body
fluids of its victim.
Besides aphids, they feed on just about any
soft-bodied pest they can "grab," including citrus
mealybugs, cottony cushion scale, spider mites,
thrips, caterpillars, insect eggs, etc.
It is known to be cannibalistic if no other food
source is available. During the two to three weeks
in this stage it will devour up to 200 victims a week.
After this, it will pupate by spinning a cocoon
with silken thread and approximately five days
later the adult emerges to complete the life cycle.
There are five or six overlapping generations each season.

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