In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall


I do so love a touch of irony.
Tonight I took a lady home from a pub in town, to her home. On the way up the road she was bemoaning the fact that her son, who lives in Derby, will be losing his job soon, due to the fact that the company he works for has lost out to a German company to build trains. Notwithstanding the fact that it's crap for anybody to lose their job, let alone just under 2,000 people, I tried to explain about simple economics and the sad, but true fact that Britain is no longer a manufacturing country. To which she set off on the most vehement, flawed rant. Stating that I was speaking rubbish and that Lombardia are still manufacturing, ( " not for long , " I cruelly thought.) and that she had had enough of this country with all the foreigners coming here, and that she will be moving BACK abroad, and that she only came back to look after her elderly father who was I'll. Also she was angry that the government wouldn't give her a house as she was homeless ( living with her dad ) or benefits because at the time she had not been a permanent resident of Britain. She wants business to stay in the U.K. but don't expect her to.
On a slightly more humorous note; Is there a reason that there 2 elevator engineer vans parked outside a cemetery? How deep are they going to dig the graves?

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