
By tookie

Preening at the Arboretum

It's been a funny day weather wise threatening to rain but not quite doing much in that way...a few sprinkles at most! Did some cleaning and then off to see if there was any arboretum action today...not much but I took a few shots there.

After I did some shots my phone middle brother to tell me that his ex-wife had died suddenly of a heart attack....sad news. They were never on very good terms but she was the mother of his first born and only daughter. Times were always a struggle between them and for his daughter...this will be very hard on her. Came back home after that news and will just reflect some on things this evening.

Several commented on the dogs and were they bathed after yesterday's romp...the answer is no...they had baths on Saturday. They run around fields after the water and sand so they are fairly clean by the time we go home. We vacuum a lot ha ha. Cowboy seems to quickly shake off most dirt and mud too which is great. They had a blast yesterday by the way!

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