Through The Autism Lens


Hair Raising!

Mom managed to persuade me to let her shave my hair tonight. I HATE having it done, and when I say hate I mean the complete meltdown, screaming, kicking, running away kind of HATE!! But I'm not too bad now-a-days. I used to be. I used to run a mile as soon as she mentioned it, let alone got the shavers out! Now I can be bribed with Ice-Cream or Smarties! Or in tonights case watching Mom play a game on her DS called 7 Wonders of the World! She likes playing the game but doesn't like listening to the music it plays, infact, she plays almost all of her DS games on silent! I drive her mad with the music that acompanies all the games I play as well as all thr tapping of the pen involved too! So tonight, my reward and her punishment was for her to play that game for 45mins (till bedtime!) with the music on as well haha!! But here I am with my new hair style! Pretty kool huh!? *see Sunday's Blip for what my hair was like beforehand!!

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