
By astudyinscarlet

day two

full day today, if slightly curate's egg (as so many of our holidays seem to be).

started out by heading to logan botanic garden, an outpost of edinburgh nurtured by the gulf stream and general warmness of the west coast climate. except for this winter - they only had about 1cm of snow, according to a gardener we met, but that was enough to decimate their tree ferns, eucalypts and more. but even that apart, i had expected a bit more - more site, more plants, more exotics. still, great eucalypt forest being created, all shades of blue; really took me back to australia.

next stop, based entirely on the fact it had a tearoom and the other place on offer didn't, turned out to be a great find: dunskey walled garden. a lovely garden, lots of fascinating nooks, and a glasshouse i badly envied.

finally, on what was turning out to be a fabulous day, over to portpatrick for an ice-cream (another theme to our hols) and a stroll around the harbour. we all rather fancied some of the holiday cottages and hotels here - lovely for a weekend, tho a bit too far west for a longer trip (as in, too far from stuff we'd want to go visit).

if only life had more ice-creams and sunny days just noodling around it would be great. if only there was time for S and her dad to do more of this.

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