shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

Continued adventures in manual

Set the camera to M (drum roll, Sunday water shot wasn't full M!) this morning, aiming to play with different apertures to see the dof, then set the shutter speed to get the right amount of light. f4 is the widest aperture my longer zoom lens can do. It was bright and sunny (though sadly is looking very grey now) so stuck to ISO100. I am quite pleased with this shot, which was taken at Catacol Farm on the way back from a walk with the dog. I was eaten alive by midgies and clegs (horseflies, huge with a very nasty bite) in spite of the sun and breeze, hopefully have avoided the ticks, though found one yesterday, so will reserve judgement so far! One must suffer for art! ;)

Apologies for those reading who either know nothing or care nothing for the technical side of photography, not one of my more interesting blip blurbs!

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