Backwards With Time

By thebigpicture

The finish line Version 1/2

So this is the half way mark...

Today is closing day of first session and most of the guys here at camp have been up since about 2 or have not slept in order to hang out with their friends for one last night or attempt to sneak over to the girls camp to try and steal one last swoon. Today is such an interesting day of emotions because I have just spent a month with these guys getting to learn more about them, what makes them tick, and just sharing experiences. Though these guys are really upset that they are leaving, as a staff I know that there is more to come so it is harder to be empathetic with them.

This is a picture of a tradition we have. Whenever a bus leaves we make a finish line out of toilet paper and have the bus drive through it. It is currently 3:58 in the morning we have not even come close to have an 1/8 of camp to be gone. Today will be filled with smiles and sadness...But thats camp and thats just another reason I love this life!

I Zigga Zumba

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