Lightning never strikes twice
Went back, with my 'real' camera on a much brighter evening but, not really surprisingly, there were no otters. While obviously I had hopes I would see them again, there was a big part of me that was pleased they weren't to be seen. It shouldn't be possible to rock up and expect to see them - so much better for it to be a completely unexpected highlight on a damp day. So, without otters or even much in the way of bird life to photograph, I resorted to wild flowers. It was a choice between this close up, and a more general view of the meadow in the curve of the river. Down there, surrounded by trees, and without a single building in view, if you look in the right direction, it's hard to believe you aren't in a woodland glade in the middle of a vast forest.
Don't know whether to be pleased or not, but yesterday's blurred 'essence of otter' image is my most looked-at image on blip in almost two months. Not much comment though, so maybe people come looking for the otter and then walk away disappointed...
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