This day

By snapper

Take note!

Was up at stupid o' clock to get the ferry to the Hebridean island of Tiree. Crossing was smooth and boat not too busy and no irritating kids running amock!
Arrived on the island and did what I had to do then took a wee spin about. Went up the machair track (those who dont know what a machair is google it!) and what did I chance upon but a bloody great big notice put up by the birdie people saying this was special grass and basically not to drive ont it! ( Hebbys have always driven on our machair) not to walk on it, not to pull the flowers blady blady blah! Well I am Hebridean born and bred and take great exception to this Southern human species that inhabit out Hebridean islands and start putting up bloody notices all over the place telling me what I can and cannot do on my own patch! We have been having visitors here since the bloody Romans and they never put up notices, ok Boswell & Johnson came by and Johnson said the best thing about Scotland was the high road to England! Well he was a moaning git anyhows and moaned about the food (things havnt changed there right enough) he moaned about the bed, (mine is a bit lumpy too!) Anyhows he at least buggered off back to where he came from.

There is a Southern holiday maker comes here for three weeks in the year and moaned about the chippy van down the road so much so he reported them to the local A&B cooncil. As a result, the zealots in the cooncil came over to tiree , stayed overnight and banned not just that one guy whose generator was an insult to the southerners finely tuned lugs, but two other snack vans all trying to make a small penny in a economically bereft island.!

I bet the same Sootherner who probably lives among alll manner of human species would be too afraid to open his gob on his own turf but is all brazen and bolshie here.
The bloody notices dont stop there either, wait you till I tell you about the booklet thats been printed for the benefit of the vistors! Nows theres a laugh

Anyhows it is still nice to see the shore, the sand even if it was busy with the two foks in the picture!

Have a good evening all

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