running commentary

By Stesedthat

Carlisle Cathedral

I have a cunning plan (my lord)

I am going to photograph many of the prominent buildings and landmarks in my hometown.

I suspect this has been done before, possibly more than once, but my plan has one crucial element that MAY (or may not) yield some different results to the norm.

I am going to take all the photographs using the 300mm prime lens.

This will present a challenge in getting far enough away from the subject building to capture it nicely. I have already been scouting the city as I go about my daily business looking for optimum viewpoints. Sometimes it will not be possible to capture the entire building and so it will be a choice of which aspect/facade to include

I was delighted with my first subject. The focal length gives the impression the mountain are close behind the Cathedral when in fact they are some 25 miles away

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