Myriad of Memories

By Shamoo

Bootiful beeeeee!!!

So today I was hoping that my macro filters would arrive but they didnt and I had to make do with my poopy lens! We saw so many funky insects down by the river today. Was lovely and peaceful, even with a crazy Rog bombing around!
So today I had my hospital appointment and I was (for once) impressed with my treatment! The doctor was very thorough and I had 5 vials of blood taken for various tests, so only time will tell. Thankyou so much to everyone for all your kind comments yesterday. Sometimes its nice to 'talk' about stuff!
So after a LONG day getting tested for just about everything and a £5 parking charge, we headed home.
When we got home Roggy was waiting for us all excited! It was then that the other half noticed a bump on her eyelid......It was a tick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On her eyelid!!!!!!!! EWWWWW!! So we twizzled it off with the little tool we had got the week before and got rid of the little blighter. She was ever so good with us twisting the bloodsucker!
So that was our day, oh and its week 10 of no smoking today!! WOOP WOOP!!

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