Daunti's world

By daunti

Walking and Reflecting

Spiritually, Physically, Mentally

...{some soul searching on my walk today}...

First I have to say how much I have been enjoying blipping. Blipping is ever so present on my mind. This can be a good thing and a bad thing. This is my 44th blip and I haven't missed a day. It has really got my creative juices flowing. At first I was so about the photography part of it but the journaling part has turned out to be as equally rewarding, to my surprise.

I am kinda on a sabbatical as of now. My regular job is teaching and I love what I do. With teaching comes the luxury of having the summers off, which allows me a summer sabbatical a year. I don't think I could ever not have the summers off. I have had the summers off for so long now I don't think I could do it any other way. A bit spoiled I am, may I add. But I am very grateful.

My job description changes when I am on summer break. My new job is taking care of myself spiritually, physically and mentally (and not necessarily in that order, well maybe). It takes alot of work to do this and summer is always the best time because their are no excuses about being too tired or too busy. All I have is time. So today as I was on my walk I was thinking it would be healthy to list my job description and my duties. So here goes:

Physically: exercising and eating well, (taking good care of my body).

Mentally: reading, being creative, journaling, not worring, leaving the past behind, living in the present, letting people live their own lives, not thinking what you want for others is the right thing for them (wow, thats a big one), I'm sure other things will come to mind.

Spiritually: quiet time with God through prayer and meditation so I have the strength to do the above. Fellowshipping with family and friends and allowing myself the time also to be a child again.

God help me...No Really..."GOD HELP ME"!!!

Some may read this, most will not, but I had to write it...

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