
By Juli

The Whomping Willow.

It's not really a willow but a Common Yew (Taxus baccata) that was discovered at Wakehurst a couple of years ago, hidden behind a wall of other trees and bushes. No-one knows exactly how long it's been there but, judging by the way the branches have grown into the ground, it could be several hundred years old. The first thing most Harry Potter fans say when they see it is 'It's the Whomping Willow!'.

Although it looks almost dead in this picture, it's actually thriving now it's getting some sunlight and there are green shoots sprouting out all over. In another year or two it should be a glorious sight - and not in the least bit scary-looking!

Burnt the midnight oil finishing my latest assignment last night and have been at Wakehurst all day so going to have a cup of tea now and will catch up with comments soon!

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