The Gatekeeper

No, this post isn't about a book, or a film. This is what i believe this butterfly is. Gatekeeper (Pyronia tithonus) also known as the hedge brown..

I got excited when i first saw the fluttering of orange wings, thinking it was my first tortoiseshell. Wasn't until i got up close i saw it wasn't. Sods law though this butterfly is known for basking with its wings wide open! this one though had other ideas. So i couldn't get a picture of it basking.. The position i had to get to take this picture though would surely have kept my neighbours very entertained lol.

I love this picture though, i love the fact you can see the shadow through the leaf. :D

Oh well back to the housework lol

Oh and if anyone has seen my pegs, i'd happily have them back! lol

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