Park Gym

Many of the public parks in Bangkok have a workout area. The "gym" is usually proportionate to the park size, and is often busy during the morning and evening hours. This one has two separate areas with about 20 pieces of equipment each and a jogging path. Regular gyms are not very common, but with a free alternative like this, I don't know why they would be.

A few students and I went to this park to workout this morning. I prefer running on the path, but the equipment is a nice way to break up the time. Much of the equipment looks like it has been put in fairly recently, but this piece wasn't updated. The amount of gears and chains caught my eye. It seemed to work fine, just keep your fingers out of the way! :)

(Against popular belief between my friends and me, the red and yellow steering wheels in the background really are a piece of "workout" equipment and not just a place to practice being a bus driver. According to the sign they help keep your wrists strong, tone your arms, and keep your elbows and shoulders flexible.)

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