Captain's Logbook

By CaptainSensible

Cute Kid Photo

This is M. This business of giving a kid some bubbles to blow is a real winner. They enjoy the activity and it distracts them from the camera.

We had the extended family over for lunch , which involved the monster salad from yesterdays Blip. I put a large tarpaulin over the garden - bungees and poles. This was a great success, there was a little bit of rain but many didn't even notice.

Champagne, burgers, salad and chocolate cake - a weird combination when put like that, but seemed to go down very well indeed.

I took lots of portraits, which will go into a photobook. I chose this one to Blip because of the technique and its slightly more arty feel.

I don't know about you fellow Blippers out there but I am always surprised and delighted at any gathering, by how many people comment how they enjoy blip and how useful they find it is as a way of keeping abreast of what's going on.

Hope you all had a nice weekend.

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