All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Hubbie bought some stools from Ikea earlier in the week for Ethan. He's loving the fact that he can now just about reach the running water if he goes up on tip-toes on them!

What I wasn't loving today was the 5.10am wake-up from Ethan. I got up with him today and let hubbie stay in bed. When he got up just before 7am, I headed back to bed and slept for another 2 hours. Bliss!

Ethan was shattered by late morning but although he lay down on the sofa several times and looked like he would go to sleep, it didn't quite happen. So I walked down to Morrisons with him and he fell asleep in his pushchair. Foreveryoung and Eden arrived at our house just as we got back. We've done well for seeing them this week!

After lunch, the 5 of us headed over to Scrambles soft play. Ethan hasn't been to that particular one for ages (don't think he has been this year) because he had meltdowns the past 2 times I tried him there, even though he was fine at another local soft play. However, despite looking rather unsure when we first arrived, he soon got into the swing of things. He loved the 2-5 year old frames and surprised me by showing he could climb up one section unaided, charge over to the big bumpy slides and go down it by himself. Over and over and over! We also bumped into a friend and her wee boy there, who goes to the same nursery as Ethan, so was nice to have a blether with her too.

Now ... any chance of sleeping till 6.30am tomorrow please Ethan??

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