Nana and grandad took mummy and daddy to a pirate thing today,
so we pinched grandads memory card and stole some pics,
mummy loves this one, even though there a ton of others,
this is what they got up to today!
It was fun watching them, but I soon got bored,
and grandad took me for a walk down by the water,
before coming back and watching the red coats make big noises,
I giggled every time, was funny watching people jump,
as it suddenly went BANG, with lots of smoke and smell!!
I also watched mummy getting beaten by a girl, with a foam sword,
silly mummy, daddy was wise and ran the other way,
refusing to be part of that, But he was part of something else,
so can't complain too much!!
It was a fun and busy day, time for snores now,
Mummy promises to catch up on everyone's blips soon xxxx

(PS this is nannys hand putting my hat on, as it was sunny today!)

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