My Photographic Footprint

By Theodora8

Clearing The Decks.

After a frantic week or two I declared a people free day. The sort of day where you find an unused cut Lemon, squeeze the juice into a bowl and scrub the kitchen table with it. If lemon juice can start to strip the enamel from our teeth in 16 seconds, it should sort out this old table.

I bought it for £8.00 at an auction in Ireland many moons ago.
It was getting dark at the time. The crumbly typical Irish cottage where the auction was held was starting to collapse floor-wise, so we were all sent out into the yard to bid for the last few things.

You will never believe what I bought, other than this table, and some wonderful old folk objects at rock bottom prices, but a pony, with tack, which included a felt saddle.

We called him Al Capone, as a pun for pony, and that he was a bit of a gangster. He was the only pony to get me off twice in a week. I had gone many many years without clocking up the necessary 7 years, to make a true rider, and he shifted me, pronto!

It is extraordinary really that I have lugged this funny little table from house to house, but it staggers on, and looks pretty good ater it's juicing.

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