Sarahs Eyes

By sarah6916

A bimbling Sunday

Today was lovely - the sun came out for most of it and this morning we played in the garden - we let Sparkle out again and we all played Swing Ball (until I got a Swing Ball related injury!). Luckily whilst I was making a batch of quiches this morning Ian went out and mowed the lawn so we could actually play in the garden without fear of losing a child in the long grass! (OK it wasn't quite that bad but you know what I mean!)

This afternoon we whizzed up to the pottery cafe to pick up the childrens hand print plates and then went to Mothers for dinner! Roast Beef - hmmmmm

I was beginning to despair this evening as I had yet to grab a blip and I thought that I was going to have to resort to a Ladybird again when I saw this chap/chapess! I was watering my tomato plants and this bright green spider appeared - instead of running a mile I grabbed my camera (and a smidge of courage)!

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