Becky's World

By speckybecky

Martha's fake birthday!

A few of us met up at Salcey Forest today. Myself, Martha (fake birthday girl), Rachel, Catherine, Helen, Jan and Sally and a little catch up with Aly. It was great! The weather stayed good, despite looking a bit grey at times. I even got slightly sunburned!

Martha's birthday is actually a month away but she'll be living it up in Australia so we had a little celebration a month early.

This blip shows her smelling some cupcake bath melts! I took a few more photos but I seemed to catch someone blinking on every single one...

As we're all bookcrossers we took some books along with us. I was quite good as I only came home with four!

Had a lovely day, and already looking forward to our next get together xx

Happy Fake Birthday, Martha x

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