
By dorrit


I have been blessed with three of the most wonderful sons-in-law and I know how very lucky I am to love them all so much! This is my #1 - the first one to join the family. He is married to my second daughter (so he is very lucky, too!)

Today, we watched him being honored, respected, admired and loved by his friends, co-workers, state and country. He is retiring from the Air Force/National Guard after twenty-five years of service and this ceremony showed how much his unit and his company appreciated that service. I also know from watching all these years that when a man is able to give his all in service, his children and his wife have got to do much of the hard work and sacrificing necessary to help him accomplish his goals. So, I am so very proud of all of them!

Years ago, when he was struggling to grow up, I told him that I could see the fine man he would someday be. I told him that I could look in his eyes and I knew that he would be a good man. He has proved me right many times over. Has it always been easy...no, and that makes it all the more rewarding. Congratulations to all four of you for what you have accomplished. I was as proud of you today as I always am.

These are two of my favorite people. The "Chief" and his grandson (my great grand-son)

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