To Seattle Again

On June 29th, my friend and ex-colleague Kevin lost his long battle with melanoma. C and I went down to Seattle for his Celebration of Life on Saturday, July 9th. It was very moving to hear his children and friends share their their memories. He was someone who lived life to the full, right to the end.

To avoid having to make another trip to Seattle the next day to watch C's son W perform his trapeze act, we stayed the night at Mr. Mole's house -- AKA The Moletel. (Mole was also a friend of Kevin's.) He cooked us a delicious dinner of fresh halibut and asparagus. and gave me a bottle of Harviestoun Old Engine Oil to bring home.

C was fascinated by the denizens of Mole's saltwater aquarium, especially the clownfish -- the only one immune to the sting of the anemones' tentacles.

We slept in the Italian Room. The trains weren't running through the room this weekend.

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