That Will Do!

By flumgummery

Comiston Springs (Again)

As a follow-up on the subject of Comiston Springs we went to  the Edinburgh Museum (otherwise known as the Huntly House Museum) on the High Street.  

On display here are the original C17 lead figures from the Comiston Cistern House where they were mounted above the inlet pipe from the appropriate spring. From left to right they are the Swan, the Fox, the Hare and the Peewit.

The photos in the background were taken in 1999; the figures were taken back to the cistern house and set in their original places for the photo then replaced in the museum. Older photos, in black and white, are of poor quality.

I notice that since my visit of a couple of decades ago the figures have been coated in a white substance, possibly to show more clearly in the photo, some has rubbed off (particularly the fox's nose) revealing the grey lead beneath.

Apologies for the refections, the display case is not well situated for lighting.

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