Clean Slate

By cleanslate

What? This washing??

"Mr Rascal Pascal Pants, leave the washing alone."

"What Mum? Me? This washing?"

Mixed day today. I did the Heaton Park 10k race for life, which went really well, I've had a stupid shin/calf injury from a stupid 'shoe sharing' incident and so I haven't been training properly and I was worried about today. But after a couple of km the pain eased and the rest was plain sailing :-) Oh yes..... except for the HILLS *shudders at recollection*

[Now watch me get my excuses in] So, despite the hills and the not training and the only being able to walk the first km because of the congestion(!) I still managed to come in just under 55 minutes. Which I know I can beat, but still, I was pleased. Although mostly pleased that my legs don't hurt.

Also, I asked no.2 son, who is delayed with his speech, what he did whilst I was running and he signed that he had seen ducks and really tried to make a 'quack' noise. It was a lovely bit of communication :-)

We've got friends in the area today for Mr CleanSlate's bike ride - tomorrow from Manchester to Blackpool - so now it's time for bolognese and beer (not too much for them - ha ha ha!)

This was No.2 son being cheeky whilst Mr CleanSlate and friends took No.1 son to Decathlon for some unnecessary cycling accessories!!

(I'm quite impressed I'm still going by the way!)

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