The Lady and the Tramp

Just when I thought it was going to be a slow blip day, I saw these two dogs patiently waiting outside Peter'sYard for their owner, who wasn't in a hurry to drink his coffee and relieve their anxiety at being tied up.
The Westie was a study in cool concentration while the other lovely, was a quivering mass of separation distress.

With the thunder shaking the windows again and his Lordship off to a friend to show him his prowess with Photoshop, which is about the same as mine, probably 1% of its potential, I am going to sit with my knitting and burn off hundreds of calories watching the Tour de France.
It's very humbling when you hear that they are rolling along at 40 mph and we think we're racing if we manage 15mph on the flat, although I can vouch for a peak of 50mph downhill on a road where there were no potholes.

As for the knitting, I got 400g of pure North Ronaldsay wool through the post yesterday from Orkney. It feels like silk and came in old fashioned hanks like all wool did in the dim and distant pass. I was astounded when his Lordship offered to hold the hanks for me while I wound them into balls.
He knew exactly what to do because his mother, who knitted, taught him when he was still in short trousers.
It was a poetry in motion to behold, as he moved his arms to and fro while I wound. What a man - and another feather in his cap. It will look good on future CV's.

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