Tree at Carstairs

Another morning of script checking before I made my excuses and left for the station. Both train journeys (Weds and today) were made quite unpleasant by groups of large children (15/16 year olds I'd guess) who had loud but disfunctional conversations with each other across the aisle and others on their mobiles simultaneously and thought that farting/belching loudly was the height of wit. On approaching Lancaster, the train guard announced clearly "The train is approaching Lancaster" over the tannoy, followed by one of the f*ckwits saying "Where are we? I've no idea!", followed by one of them evidently searching for his own whereabouts via the GPS facility on his phone despite the fact that by then the train was drawing in to the station where "Lancaster" was clearly displayed on large sign boards.

At least they'd all departed by the time we reached Carlisle today. The train slowed down at Carstairs again and I saw a nice lone tree with some cattle grazing along the river bank (the Clyde, which is flowing below the red earth bank). It was very nice to get back to Edinburgh and be met by DH, closely followed by delicious beer in the B & C and an excellent pizza in La Favorita.

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