
By tookie

Port Townsend Trip

Today I took my dear friend who recently was in the hospital then rehab and finally back in her own home to see her aunt. My friend is 84 and her Aunt is in her late nineties and lives over on the Olympic Peninsula in Port Townsend. I picked her up early and we stopped for lunch in Chimicum. We arrived in early afternoon and rang her answer...I noticed the door was ajar so I said go on in! Quickly a woman came to greet us saying "I am NOT Franny!...she lives in the next building down!". My friend's memory is off a bit ha ha. I guess this happens quite a bit so we all had a good laugh.

We enjoyed a lovely visit...both my friend and her Aunt were so excited to see each other since neither can drive anymore. We had some pound cake with strawberries and peaches and then admired her flowers and I spotted a bald eagle next to it's nest up high! So the blip I chose is of the Bald Eagle;)

Arrived back to my own home after the two ferry rides and getting my friend all settled in ---about 7pm---good time! Big R had just got home too! A very good day for my friend and she handled it all very well!

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