Market Eggs

When you buy eggs at the market, this is how they are sold. You grab a small basket and put in the eggs you want. They are priced to be sold 10 eggs together, but you can buy 5 for half of the bottom number on the sign. Today the smallest eggs are 30 baht (about 1 US dollar) for 10 eggs. As the egg size increases, so does the price.

Once your eggs are chosen, the vendor sets them in a plastic bag with a piece of newspaper on the bottom and hands them back. The important part is remembering you bought eggs as you walk through the rest of the market. A friend told me about a time she forgot that key point and ended up with beaten eggs by the time she got home. Unfortunately I don't think she was planning on making scrambled eggs, and I know if she was, the shells wouldn't have been included. :)

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