Sarahs Eyes

By sarah6916


The weather today was completely weird huh - this morning torrential rain and then this afternoon sunny! I cannot quite work out what it is going to do next!

I finished work early today and then whizzed home for a tidy up before grabbing the children from school.

It is Bears school disco this evening and so I had to take him to get his hair cut. It was very odd watching him getting ready for it - he obsessed about which t-shirt to wear after having a shower and applying more deodorant than would be necessary for a wrestler to wear in a week! I then had to do his hair with wax and then drop him off! He is definitely growing up which is kind of sad and kind of lovely at the same time!

I am not entirely sure which varieties of ladybirds these are and whether what they were up to was wholesome but hey ho!

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