Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Mushrooms in the mist

Sometimes it's not you that takes the photograph, it's the photograph that takes you on a journey. We were preparing veg for stir-fry and something about these mushrooms made me think blip, so I put them on the dining room table in front of a grey box that I found in a drawer. The "mist" is just a fuzzy out of focus table edge.

I've been committing murder most evenings this week. It's harvest time and I have been slaughtering cabbages, pak choi and lettuces for my supper. You do feel an affinity for things you've grown and I sometimes have a little irrational guilt when pulling stuff out of the soil. One minute you're a happy vegetable basking in the evening sunshine, the next thing chop-chop-chop.

Tastes good though.

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