
Who knew that using your flash produced images with such clarity and low ISO in dim conditions.

Probably everyone else on blip and yes I did too but for many reasons haven't got around to using it lately.

However when you are faced with a wet day, one does look inside and even though it is just little ol' Sienna once again, how nice to have some indoor clarity to my shot.

Feeling a little more inspired after having 52 mins to myself on the train yesterday evening where I absorbed a photo mag and learnt a bit - love it!

Might start 'inventing' meetings that require a train trip just so I can sit for some time and read - oh the pleasure!

Personally liking it in large!

P.S. - note the t.v stare, always a great opportunity for some still close ups if you can cope with the "I can't see Mummy, please move" - repeated endlessly!

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