Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

A a ... a .... TISH00

I feel this isn't my final shot of the day.

But, there are heaps of jobs still to do ..

..One of which is to nip out before the shops close and find something with which to make a fuss of Himself, in a kind of Anniversary sort of way. For tomorrow (eek).

Yes, it IS last minute!
A Little Something is prepared already, but at the last minute dot com, I'm having Pangs in the Doubt Department. Is it Enough?!

I've been most behind with comments this week. There aren't enough hours in the day at the moment. (And, not that I'm complaining, but it was much easier when I was an Utter Insomniac. That's 'an utter', not 'a nutter'... Although fit, wear, cap.. you could rearrange them?!)

Happy HAPPY Friday Everyone. The fizz forecast is looking pretty good!

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