
By karenjulia

Very retro

This is a cool chair I have in the study. Maybe I will show you another bit later on. As far as I recall it was part of a dining suite mum had (correct me if I am wrong mum) in the 70s. Probably not a suite as such, I think the table was made by my father (??)

Anyway, I think it is very cool!

I miss Dave. His dad is not good.

Later: Booky has reminded me today is my 200. Look there are 200 stitches in this square of fabric! How clever was I? (!!)

Later still: Kendall asked me yesterday about the aftershocks. Here is my reply thanks for your comments. The aftershocks continue daily - only one today so far but (touch wood) they are small, mostly under 4.0. They are still very shallow often 7 to 5kms deep. Apparently anything less than 70kms is considered shallow. We had the 7.2 later September then the 6.3 early Feb. I will feel safer if we get to August without another major one!

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