
By traceyflowerpot

Queen Of The Nettles...

Eric and I have had a very busy weekend, we have been tidying our garden.

I have been digging and tidying the borders up, while Eric has been lifting some old slab to lay some grass on the area instead, and putting a slab floor in front of his shed.

It has all come together very nicely and well worth all the hard work we have put into it, it looks beautiful.

I decided to go for a little walk this morning before cooking the Sunday Lunch.

I got a handful of different weeds as I was quite pleased with the photograph I took of the the dandelion seedhead other day.

I picked this stinger nettle (without getting stung, haha, thats a first) and decided to take some photogaphs of it.

I have never like these as I used to get stung quite alot when I was little, and since I have been with Eric over the years he has chased and teased we with them by picking one and chasing me to sting me with it, haha, (he is only playing me up though... well I hope).

When I uploaded the photograph I couldnt believe the detail of it, the white section looks like a Queen to me sitting on her nettle throne. She looks so beautiful, such a beautiful looking plant, I will never look at a stinger nettle in a horrible way again.

I hope everyone has had a lovely weekend...

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