Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Brush Those Pearlies, Hovis!

A shattering day at work today due to staffing was like Supermarket Sweep only with phlebotomy trolleys rather than shopping trolleys and Dale was nowhere to be seen.

The minute I stepped out of the house to go and collect the boys from school this afternoon, the heavens opened. It's been that kind of day.

Graham took Lewis for a practise run on the bus. Lewis is having an induction day at the high school on Friday when he'll need to get the bus, by himself (well maybe the whole of Yr 6 will be at the same bus stop, that's what I'm secretly hoping). He's hardly ever been on a bus in his life so it's all a new experience for him. They stopped off at the chippy on the way home! Then Lewis didn't want the lovely veggie shepherds pie I'd made.

I took the younger two to a local pet shop where they were fascinated by a parrot there. One of my neighbours happened to be in the shop and said to them: "What do you want a parrot for? It'd never get a word in edgeways with you two!" Not that I ever would buy them a parrot...we did buy Hovis this hilarious chew though. Well, I think it's hilarious.

It's been my weekly Zumba class again today. It is hilarious and I had a fit of the giggles. English people hardly ever have any rhythm....we are no good at shimmying...sorry but it's true! These tunes are getting in my head too! I need a Zumba cd to play in the car!!

I've also made a gas mask box this evening. Yes, you will have to see tomorrow's Blip! I know, you all can't wait (all 3 of you!!).

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