Backpack TopherHack

By TopherHack

Delay of the Land

And so we arrive at our next destination, Toronto, Canada.

We're here a day later than expected due to more airport tomfoolery, this time as we tried to leave Cuba.
We arrived at the airport bright and early, ready for our nine-thirty flight. To our dismay though the word 'CANCELLED' was plastered across the departures board in big red letters.
After hanging around helplessly for a couple of hours we finally tracked down an Air Canada representative. He soon cheered us up with the news that we'd be put up in a five star sea front hotel, and that all meals would be free.

When I arrived though, I felt dismayed by guests spending all day lounging in the pool or stuffing their faces with all manner of wonderful food.
After all I've seen in this wonderful country, and all I've heard first hand about the daily struggles just to have something resembling a normal life, I found myself actually getting angry with the people around me (even though I know the money from these tourists is almost single handedly keeping Cuba alive).

I spent the whole day locked in my room, flicking through the numerous TV channels not available to Cubans (they get four channels). I wanted the beautiful previous day and the fond farewells we'd said to be my final memories of Havana.

Eventually we made it to Toronto, and ate Hamburgers and hotdogs in the public space above. Then we headed to our wonderful friend Leah's house for a lovely reunion and some equally wonderful Canadian beer.

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