ijil Rainbow Hawk Giver

By ijilRHG

A Glimpse Into My World ~ Midnight Inspiration

Welcome into a corner of my world.

It has been a while since i last took a photo of my desk or working area.

Taking a photo from time to time of my working area is something that I have done since my teens. Every so often i will just take a moment and capture the area where i create some of the things that i do everyday in my life.

My life training is in architectural drafting, but from there i went onto illustration and design, in addition to writing, so the tools of my trades and the work spaces often became interesting in their own right as the pieces that were being created. I love the tools of art: pencils, brushes, sharpeners, papers, scissors, glue.

This is my letter writing area, small art inspiration and creation, and small reading book place, as well as the place i keep just a few of my journals. It is quite stuffed as you can see, but i love it.

Depending on what i am studying or working on in the moment my work spaces morph (as i know each of yours do also), and they then become their own vignette, their own mini (and sometimes not so mini) work of art in themselves.

Now as a writer, even poet sometimes, combined with reducing and moving into another room in the house, my space has changed again, to this. Sometimes too small, sometimes feeling a little cramped, but definitely enough, enough to quiet my mind and let flow in the thoughts and words and pictures from another place.

Thank you for visiting my world.

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