Rule Britannia
Climbing up to the Old Town from the New gives a good view of Victoria's vantage over the Forth does it not? But enough of that! There's drink to be drunk and songs to be sung. Actually, that was earlier. For now, my consideration is entirely given over to deliberating what little gems I should salt away on my kindle for my forthcoming vacation. I have the 3G version, so I ought to be able to buy whatever nonsense comes into my head whilst on the Spanish Main, but I don't quite trust this technology, so I may well load up whilst still on blighty. I have a strange hankering for some classic detective fiction. The Maltese Fiction? The Big Sleep? I have read neither; nor have I read any Mark Twain, though I feel less inclined towards that. Sadly, Hemingway's Old Man and the Sea isn't available as an e-book. Quite scandalous.
I've waited till late to post tonight as my blip from yesterday got no fewer than FOUR favourites. My second top bleep of all time, then! And a great start for the new camera. The only way is....
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