An Old Airman's Life

By 1VintageAirman

What is historic anyway????

Before I jump headlong into my blip, I will ask my non-American friends to bear with me. I live in a designated historic building in Fort Worth, Texas. It was built way back in the dark ages of the Great Depression, 1931. It was used as the train station and administrative offices for the Texas and Pacific Railroad for many years and in 1966, the trains quit running and the building fell into the hands of a series of rental agents. The Federal Highway Admistration had built a freeway nearly outside the front door of this building. Is was technically downtown, but was actually across the tracks in the Near Southside. The information in this link is dated but if you look at the second pic down you can see how close the freeway was to the building. Somehow in the late 1990's, someone decided to save the building. They remodeled the ball room. And when the feds decided to modernize the freeway through downtown, the locals saved several historic buildings by talking the feds into building a new road behind the buildings. We are once again on the right side of the tracks. But a funny thing happened. Downtown is Downtown BUT the Near Southside IS where it is happening.

Anyway, blip for today is our bedroom ceiling. We live in a loft sort of. When they turned this building from offices to condos, they simple ripped off the old ceiling tiles, removed the most dangerous pieces of construction that had been hiden away for 70 years, wiped off the cobwebs and said they were done. I really do like layinging in bed and looking up. Here you can see the marks that were left by the boards creating the mold for the floors. They are real markings. My brother-in-law is a concrete guy, his company specializes in making new construction look old by putting those marks in the concrete. Go figure. I hope that this is my last day of total isolation. Maybe tomorrow, I will be able to blip something that is outside. Maybe tomorrow, I will be able to walk around and see the big glorious world around me.

And to answer the question, what is historic? You have to realize that time does not exist for real Texans until white southerners moved into this state. So since the universe is only 200 years old, an 80 year old building is ancient.

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