What is the magic number?

I make no apologies for blipping James for the second day running, because today, regardless of anything else that has occurred, has been completely James' day.

The good news - all the stress, anxiety, preparation from Christmas to May was worth it. James got his SATs results today for his Year 6 tests.

He came out of school, gave me a pretend drum roll, kept a complete poker face and then with a degree of nonchalence said "5 for English, 5 for Maths"

He was particularly pleased with his Maths, as at the start of the year he was really struggling to secure Level 3, because he had missed a chunk of curriculum when he was at the other school for 9 months, in the year I choose to forget.

I restrained myself, in order not to completely show him up or to garner dirty looks from some of the other playground parents (who look at me with sadness and disdain on the odd occasion that I am able to pick James up - I am a bad mother for having a career!). However, I grinned all the way to the car, all the way home and all the way to the dentist with him. He got sick of me telling him how proud I am!

Dentist for James. Downer - 1 filling, 1 extraction. He dealt with this calmly, no fuss.

Home, shops, treats and curry for tea...

However, and here's the not so good news - by this time the extraction and filling had knocked him a little, so he didn't want to eat and he looked utterly distressed.

He has since eaten, rather a lot, and has perked up a little. This was taken just after he had eaten, when he was watching telly and chilling out on the sofa.

So, my boy, I know you are feeling a little blue right now, but we are SO PROUD OF YOU. You've earned bragging rights for at least a few days now :-)

We love you

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