
By blowfish


I had my interview this morning with the chair of the English Department, Dr. Devlin, and two other professors, at the Northeast Campus of Tarrant County College. In the most simplistic manner possible: what a success. The entire process was extremely laid back, informal, and warmly inviting. We talked about almost everything: not only my educational background, previous employment, and future prospects for the current position, but also about personal stuff: where I have lived, my hobbies, etc. The three professors were so genuine, open-armed, and enthusiastic.

At the end of the meeting Dr. Devlin looked to his two colleagues and said: "I am feeling very positive about hiring Brian right now and I can sense you two feel positively as well [they nod and express a verbal agreement] Okay, then, we would like to go ahead and get this process rolling."

Done. In the fall semester, I will be an adjunct instructor in English. I will probably teach only one (but possibly two) freshman composition courses. It is all happening so quickly and so beautifully. This Thursday (as in two days from now), I have an orientation meeting at the downtown campus. I think I will ride my bike.

Ah, so after years of missteps and mistakes, life is happening. I found Leah, we found a great affordable place to live, I found a college program to complete my doctoral education, and now, at last, I have found a professional arena to display both my talents and interests. It is all falling into place. It is time.

This is the brick clocktower on the campus. Everything on the campus is so nondescript, so muted, so honest and down-to-Earth--such a perfect fit for me and my personality, I feel. But I shot this as I exited the English Department and headed back to my car.


Leah came home for lunch and Blipped my post-interview glow.

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