
By Nigel

The Big Fight

Poker was interrupted for about 45 minutes as guys who I'd previously had no inking of their having an interest in boxing huddled around to watch a fairly unimpressive 12 rounds of David Haye not making very much impact. Though going 12 rounds with that Ukranian bloke was fairly impressive.

In the afternoon I'd spent a good hour going through all the manual set up instructions in the AV receiver manual. Having bought a new sub woofer cable I was disappointed to find no audio coming out of it. Turns out it was switched off, no doubt by running the automatic set up a few weeks ago. Now it not only works but it has a new lower crossover frequency so it only gets rumbled from the really deep bass and doesn't muddy the lower ranges and I've also reversed the phase which is giving me much clearer and more defined bass. The 5.1 remastered edition of Moving Pictures has never sounded so good :)

I also noted that there is a dynamic range compression feature available (previously set to maximum, now set to standard) on the DTS decoder so I can watch movies and hear the dialog without the ever present fear that the next explosion is going to blow the roof off, and I watch a lot of movies with explosions in so this is well handy.

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