Scrawny Old Man

By richtoller


Another 'look up' Dundee pic - this time it's one of the things people do look up at, St Mary's Tower, known as the Old Steeple - built in the fifteenth century and the oldest surviving building in Dundee - stands at one of the city churches (two churches in one building), dating from about 1198 but the present building is more recent.
Unlike many of Dundee's other towers, the blocks of flats known locally as multis, there are no plans to demolish this one.

Busy day today. Car wouldn't start so it was on the bike to head off to one of our neighbouring churches where we're helping in a kids' club, kids stuff all morning, visiting a friend in the afternoon then dentist after breaking another tooth - and found time for one photo, and this is it (obviously). Now got to do some preparation for stuff coming up later in the week. Car still won't go, haven't had the chance to do anything about it.

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