A Canterbury Tail

By Canterbury


No idea what this plant is, it is a weed and it seems to grow pretty well in sandy soil. We have a lot of it around our house and in the forest that we walk Cousteau.

Barking and I found a Geocache a few meters from our house tonight. I heard about this "sport" from an internet forum I had a read of. It said to go to geocaching.com click on the hide and seek a cache option. You can then enter gps coordinates of where you live or a postcode and it will show you how many of these caches can be found near you. We had over 700 within 100 kilometres of our house. One of which was within 30 metres, we went and found it.

Kind of like a treasure hunt with no treasure. Might try and find some of the many caches in the forest where we walk C.

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